Targeting Your Face’s Weak Spots
Every face is different. We have different bone structures, different sensitivities to our skin,different stress and strains, and so on.When you treat your skin to fight the signs of aging or wear and tear, you should keep that in mind. What’s works for others won’t necessarily work for you and sometimes you might be targeting entirely different areas. So, here we’re going to look at some of the ways to make your face’s care more specific, targeting your weak spots above all else.
One wrinkle at a time
Wrinkles pop up in different parts of the face. Exposure to the sun, gravity, even our own expressiveness might have something to do with that. Rather than going for the same anti-wrinkle treatments that fight aging across the whole skin, you might do better by targeting the wrinkles directly. That’s exactly what tools like PMD Microderm pens do. This polishes the areas of the skinyou specifically want to target, helping it produce collagen that improves the skin’s natural regenerative powers. Beyond treating the individual wrinkles, these pens can also treat acne scars and age spots. Of course, they require a very keen eye for detail.You don’t want to use them indiscriminately.
Patch over it
Every woman has “problem areas”. We can all think of some of the most common. On either side of the nose. At the corners of the lips. The neck. The forehead. Some women are more deeply affected by one of these problem areas than others. Ifyou want to make the greatest improvements to your overall appearance, you should tackle these areas first and skin patches from places like SiO Beauty can helpyou with that. These are smoothing patches that are shaped perfectly to fit different problem areas, with options for different areas. You put them on overnight and they help hydrate, smooth, and plump the skin through prolonged contact.
Boostingthe body’s anti-aging power
You want to think not just about the specific areas where your skin is starting to show the signs of wear and tear, but the specific causes of it, as well.The cause of aging isn’t as simple as saying it’s all down to “time”.As far as your skin is concerned, it’s down to the breakdown of collagen,a substance that’s in the skin that helps it retain its elasticity. Retinoids have become one of the more popular skin treatments as of late since they help rejuvenate the skin and keep collagen from breaking down,as well as thickening the deeper layer of skin that all wrinkles first arise from. Retinol is the most commonly used retinoid, but you should be carefu Iusing it. It should only be applied as a pea-sized drop to local areas of the skin.Some general use skin creams use retinol as an ingredient but when
used too liberally, it can cause sensitivity,dryness, irritation,and all other sorts of nasty issues.
Give it some nutrition
Our skin is like any other part of our body.we need to feed it with the right nutrients to help it heal, stay youthful,and stay strong.So, you need to figure out the kind of nutrition your skin needs. Face masks using natural ingredients can make a world of difference, but only if you’re using the right ingredients to tackle the right deficiencies. For instance, avocado and honey might be great for dry skin,but if your skin is puffy and inflamed, you would be better off using a mocha-based mask instead.
Work it out
Just as our body needs the right diet, it also needs the right exercise. Exercising your face might sound
a little odd, especially since many women know that moving your face too much is one of the biggest causes of wrinkles and sagging skin.Instead, what you want to make a part of your regular routine is the facial massage. You can perform your own face massages, if you don’t want to spend boatloads of money at the spa, too. Massages help relieve tension infacial muscles, stopping them from tugging on the skin.They also gently work out the stretchiness of the skin,strengthening its elasticity If you’re ever curious about what your face’s spots are and you can’t pinpoint the causes, visit your dermatologist. Beyond having issues in different locations on the face, you might have issues that you have misidentified that you’re treating all wrong. The more informed you are, the more likely your treatments are to work.
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