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What are the pore packs? Know the advantages and disadvantages of each and turn off the darkening of pores!

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A pore pack that you want to incorporate as daily special care. Do you know what types are available and why they are recommended for special care? When used correctly, you can aim for skin that does not suffer from darkening or keratin plugs. This time, I will explain in detail the types of pore packs, their advantages and disadvantages, and what you should be careful about when using them.

What is a pore pack?

A pore pack is a beauty item that removes darkening of the nose, dead skin cells, and dead skin cells. The pack sheet gets into the pores and catches the keratin plug firmly. And when you remove the pore pack, it removes the keratin plug.

Blackheads, dead skin cells, and old dead skin cells can cause a dull face, so if you want to have clear skin, why not give it a try.

The types of pore packs are as follows.

Paste type

Wet the area where you want to apply the pore pack evenly, and make sure that the pack is in close contact with the air. When the pack dries, slowly peel it off. You will feel refreshed because you can clearly see the dirt on the pores that have been removed. There is also a type that can be attached not only to the nose but also to three-dimensional parts such as the chin and between the eyebrows.

Type to apply cream and peel off

It is a type that you apply a cream that hardens like a pack and then peel it off after a while. Recommended when you want to give a beauty effect to the skin. The effect on the skin varies depending on the pore pack, such as firmness, moisture, and luster. Some of them can enjoy the scent, so it’s a good idea to choose one that suits your mood.

Type to apply cream and wash away

It is a type that you apply cream and wash it off after a while. Contains beauty ingredients to remove dirt from pores while caring for the skin. The “type of applying cream and peeling off” is the difference between peeling off and rinsing.

Why do you have darkening in your pores?

Why do pores have darkening in the first place? Know the cause of darkening and take appropriate measures while taking care with a pore pack. The causes of darkening of the pores are as follows.

The skin and old keratin become clogged and become a keratin plug

The pores filled with sebum and old keratin are called keratin plugs. It is caused by excessive secretion of sebum and old keratin that does not come off naturally. Some people may not care much because the freshly made horn plug is not black.

When the keratin plug hardens in the pores and oxidizes, it turns black.

When the keratin plug is oxidized by oxygen, it turns black. This state is the so-called “blackhead”. By becoming black, it becomes noticeable at once, and it becomes annoying to many people. Keratin plugs turn black over time, so you’ll want to remove them as soon as possible.

Due to excessive skin care etc.

Causes of keratin plugs include dry skin due to excessive skin care, stress, fatigue, and disturbance of the autonomic nerves due to lack of sleep. When the skin becomes dry, the amount of sebum secreted increases, which causes keratin plugs. Disturbances in the autonomic nerves stimulate the secretion of male hormones, leading to excess sebum.

Furthermore, when skin turnover is disturbed due to lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, lack of exercise, etc., and old keratin remains on the skin, it clogs the pores together with sebum and creates keratin plugs.

By adjusting your lifestyle and taking proper skin care, you can aim for beautiful skin without keratin plugs.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of pore packs?

A pore pack is a convenient item that allows you to easily remove keratin plugs and darkening, but it has not only advantages but also disadvantages. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of pore packs.


The benefits of pore packs are:

A wide range of keratin plugs can be removed

The pore pack can remove a wide range of keratin plugs at once. Pore ​​care doesn’t take long, so it’s easy to continue. You can also prevent excessive care by packing only the areas where the keratin plugs are conspicuous.

You can remove the keratin plug that does not come off when you wash your face

It is difficult to remove the keratin plug by washing your face. With a pore pack, you can remove even stubborn keratin plugs that won’t come off when you wash your face. Peeling is also useful for removing dead skin cells, but packs are recommended for pore plugs because they are more suitable for removing dead skin cells on the surface of the skin rather than pores.


Let’s take a closer look at the disadvantages of pore packs.

Great damage to the skin

The pore pack has a heavy burden on the skin because it has a mechanism to adsorb the keratin plugs that have entered the pores. If you pack your pores on a daily basis, you may have skin problems. Pore ​​packs are still an excellent cosmetological item, as they can be used correctly.

Difficult to remove keratin plugs with deep pores

Horn plugs that are too deep are difficult to remove with a pore pack. Even if you apply a thick cream, it does not mean that you can penetrate deep into the pores and catch it. It is important to prevent deep keratin plugs by washing your face every day.

Peel off even the necessary keratin

The pore pack removes dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, but it also removes the necessary sebum. As a result, the skin becomes dry and vulnerable to irritation. However, if you take proper moisturizing care after pore pack, you can reduce the effect on your skin.

Things to keep in mind when packing pores

Here are some things to keep in mind when packing your pores:

Do not try to force the horn plug

It is important not to force yourself to remove the keratin plug even if you cannot remove it with the pore pack. And even if you pack it for a long time, you cannot remove the keratin plug that cannot be removed. Continue patiently with proper facial cleansing, pore packs and peels.

Moisturize well after packing

After packing the pores, your skin will become dry easily, so be sure to moisturize it. Moisturize and beauty ingredients are given to the skin with lotion and beauty essence, and oil is supplemented with milky lotion and cream. In addition, by using a converging lotion, the pores from which the keratin plugs have been removed can be tightened, and the effect of preventing new keratin plugs can be expected.

Keep the pack about once a week

Use the pore pack only once a week. Further care will increase the burden on the skin and increase the risk of trouble. If you have acne or eczema after removing the keratin plug with a pore pack, you will not have any children.

It is important to keep the frequency of use, as overuse of the pore pack has only disadvantages.


The pore pack is a convenient item to remove the keratin plugs that have clogged the pores. It leads to beautiful skin without darkening. However, it is important to follow points such as moisturizing care and frequency of use after use. While using a pore pack, be aware of proper skin care and lifestyle improvement, and take care of darkening efficiently.

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